Discover a new difference

– Reaching the nations


– Impact – Influence – Inspire –

Voluntary Club in our Academy

Strengthening civic participation starts with youth. We build a network of young reporters, as a good example of how young people can acquire the knowledge and skills to use media to have their voices heard in society. We like to improve the quality of the public debate and to better identify the changes needed to improve the lives of all of us.

Why is voluntary work important?


We inspire YOU and YOUR efforts

Voice to be heard

Truth is the aim of belief; falsity is a fault. People need the truth about the world in order to thrive. Truth is important. Believing what is not true is apt to spoil people’s plans and may even cost them their lives. True is that which conforms to fact or reality.

Social Media & Citizen Journalism

Social Media has irreversibly changed the way that the world interacts and shares information. Our online ministry is not to replace the way of reaching people in live presence but to add possibilities and to be there where the people are.

Focus on people first

We have what to say. We like to create conversations: It’s not a one-way street. We like to create valuable connections with our listeners and followers.

Voice to the voiceless

Many people use their voices every day—to talk to people, to communicate their needs and wants — but the idea of ‘voice’ goes much deeper. Having a voice gives an individual agency and power, and a way to express his or her beliefs. But what happens when that voice is expressed differently from the norm?

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without government interference or regulation.

social & environmental care

One of our focuses is Social and environmental care as a core value and target of our Team and Volunteers. We monitor and evaluate the environmental aspects of all our activities, and we promote products and services that reduce environmental impact.

Missionary Center – teaching & learning

Strengthening civic participation starts with youth. We build a network of young reporters, as a good example of how young people can acquire the knowledge and skills to use media to have their voices heard in society. We like to improve the quality of the public debate and to better identify the changes needed to improve the lives of all of us.

The Missionary Center is designed to have a dual process of Learning and Teaching. Learning from professionals and transferring knowledge from Media professionals (missionaries) to youth and learning from the peer generation.



Truth is the aim of belief; falsity is a fault. People need the truth about the world in order to thrive. Truth is important. Believing what is not true is apt to spoil people’s plans and may even cost them their lives. True is that which conforms to fact or reality.

Faith & Believe

Faith makes us stronger, braver, and better. Faith helps us through times of trouble and allows us to help others going through their own sets of trials. What exactly is faith? It is the trust that God exists, and by following him, we look forward to a world beyond this one — the kingdom of God, where we will live in peace with him forever.

Be the light

Every day you have an opportunity to be a light in someone’s life. We can often get too busy with our own schedules and our to-do list that we miss these simple opportunities each day. Whether it’s at a bus stop with someone in need, a restaurant with a server, or even online when someone mentions they had a bad day – there will never be a shortage of open doors through which we can shine.

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership seeks to achieve a vision by providing strong support to the team or followers. In turn, this allows others to learn and grow while bringing their own expertise and vision to the table. This hinges on building influence and authority rather than using control and toxic leadership tactics.

Share & Bless

Spreading God’s Love Through Acts of Kindness
Share and Bless, it is a Christian initiative dedicated to spreading God’s love through intentional acts of kindness and generosity. Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, we believe that each one of us has the power to make a positive impact in the lives of others. By sharing our resources, time, and talents, we can extend God’s love and blessings to those in need, creating a ripple effect of goodness and hope in our community and beyond.

Pray & Act

Pray and act
or Empowered by Prayer, Driven by Action
Pray and Act, a Christian movement that combines the power of prayer with intentional action to bring about positive change in our world. We believe that prayer and action go hand in hand, working together to make a lasting impact on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Through the union of heartfelt prayer and purposeful action, we strive to bring God’s love, justice, and redemption to a broken world.

We love our staff and
we think you will too

People ready to serve you


Project & media manager


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Board member


Board member


Prayer team


Web & content

Social Media Channels

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